
Who We Are

The Mount Nansen Remediation LP is a joint venture between Ensero Solutions and JDS Energy & Mining. We are working together as the Mount Nansen Remediation Limited Partnership with the Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation and the Government of Canada to clean up and reclaim the abandoned Mount Nansen Mine Site.

How We Came Together

Ensero Solutions (formerly Alexco Environmental Group) offers a wide variety of environmental consulting and reclamation/remediation services to clients across a number of sectors including mining, oil and gas, government, First Nation and private industry.

JDS Energy and Mining brings to the team strong experience and demonstrated success in engineering, construction, and field operations. They have successfully implemented projects around the world as well as managed the engineering and construction of the Minto Mine in the Yukon in 2007 and 2008.

The unique combination of Ensero Solution’s experience and success in environmental assessment, permitting and environmental remediation and operations along with JDS Energy and Mining’s experience in engineering, construction, and field operations will bring a very qualified team and approach to the Mount Nansen Remediation Project.